tiistai 23. elokuuta 2011

Shaping Traditional Oral knowledge

Eilen tuli ykköseltä aika kelpo dokkari nimeltä Arvokas ja herkullinen jäte (http://www.tastethewaste.com/), jossa esiintyi myös taiteilija Jihyun Ryou. Hänellä on projekti nimeltä, Shaping Traditional Oral knowledge-Save Food from the Fridge, joka on kyllä varsin mielenkiintoinen juttu! 

"Observing the food and therefore changing the notion of food preservation, we could find the answer to current situations such as the overuse of energy and food wastage. My design is a tool to implement that knowledge in a tangible way and slowly it changes the bigger picture of society. I believe that once people are given a tool that triggers their minds and requires a mental effort to use it, new traditions and new rituals can be introduced into our culture."

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